Upper El Winter Market

Creek Campus | 9607 Brodie Ln. Austin, TX 78748
Upper El Classes
Our Upper Elementary Classes will be hosting a Winter Market event on Friday, December 13, 2024, from 9-11 a.m. 

This annual tradition is a shopping/craft/snack sales fundraiser designed for student-led autonomy around charity giving. All proceeds will go to a local charity. This charity was voted for by our Upper El students. 

All Elementary students will visit the market by classroom in the morning. If you send your student with cash (about $3-$10) please put it in a plastic baggie (sandwich size is great) with their first name, last name, and classroom written on it in permanent marker.



Frequently Asked Questions

What types of items are for sale and for how much?

All items for sale were created by our Upper El students. This includes crafts like bookmarks, candles, and knitted goods. It also includes food like brownies and pastries priced between $1 and $10.

How should my child bring money?

Students and families may purchase with cash only. We ask that students bring their cash to school in a plastic baggie (sandwich size is great) with their first name, last name, and classroom written on it in permanent marker. A suggested amount to bring to school is $3-$10.

Where will the Winter Market happen on Campus?

We will be outdoors in the Phoenix classroom and outdoor space, rain or shine. 

When will my student visit? Can I come, too?

Elementary students will be able to visit with their classes during the day. Creek parents/guardians are also welcome to stop by between 9-11 a.m.

If I come, where should I park?

If the school’s lot is full, please park in the Randall’s Parking lot. Do not park at Goodwill or other local business parking lots as they will tow and call the school to complain. 

What if it’s raining?

This event will be rain or shine. If there is dangerous weather, we will use the emergency text alert system to inform families of a cancellation. If it’s cold, please dress warmly! 

Do students choose the charity?

Yes! Our Upper Elementary students worked together to find this organization.

Do Upper Elementary students make all the gifts?

Yes, our students make the gifts (sometimes with some parent support). We are so thankful for their hard work!


Springs Campus

List of 1 items.

Creek Campus

List of 1 items.

River Campus

List of 1 items.

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