Get To Know Springs Guides & Class of ‘18 Alumnus Finn Sonnikson

Headwaters School
Finn Sonniken is both an alumnus of Headwaters School and a support guide in our Primary Robins Classroom.  Recently, we sat down with Finn and got to know him a little better.
Do you remember how your family decided on Headwaters?

My mom had heard about what was then Khabele at the time through either Amy Nylund or Jote Khalsa. And I think ‘cause I was always kind of a weird kid, I was intimidated by big public schools, I wanted somewhere kind of close-knit. I toured Headwaters and it felt like a good fit. I went to what was Khabele and became Headwaters for Middle School and High School. I think it worked out well for me. I don’t know how I would have handled a big school. My little brother came to the Springs Campus and it’s cool to see he has a tile on the wall from when he was here. My family has a lot of experience with the school, going a long way back. 

What did you do after Headwaters, and how did that lead back here?

Well I started at UNT which wasn’t a good fit, so I switched to ACC for a year, then I went to Texas State and I was studying Public Relations. My last semester I was studying abroad in Denmark which was a really good time, but I was happy to come back. But while I was in school my mom heard about Headwaters needing substitute guides and I didn’t have a job so I thought it would be a good experience. But I had a good time doing subbing and it’s even better doing teaching full time. It’s nice to be a part of the school again. 

Are there things that feel different or the same from your time here as a student to your time now?

I was never at the Springs Campus before, so it’s hard to say. And I’m sure if I worked at the River Campus it would be easier to see the differences. But coming back it feels like a similar culture, it’s just handled in a different way because the kids are so small.

The kids really look up to you, how is it being in that reversed role?

It’s been fun, I’ve made a lot of friends here, I mean kid friends, but I enjoy it.  I just hope that I’m giving the kids something of value, that’s all I want. 

We also asked Finn’s kid friends if they had any questions for him. 

What’s your favorite season?

I like the fall, when it’s actually fall and not hot fall. Winter is good too, I don’t like the Spring because I have allergies.

What’s your favorite color?

I like blue.

No, what’s your favorite color on the rainbow?

Blues on the rainbow.

I’ve never seen that before.

What’s your favorite car?

I like my car. It’s dark grey. 

What's your favorite number Mr. Finny Finn Finn?

Umm maybe 7. Yeah 7.

That’s good. I’m about to turn 5.

Springs Campus

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Creek Campus

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River Campus

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