Re-Enrollment Pitso, MS Session

River Studio - 804 Rio Grande St., Austin, TX 78701
This January, we will begin the re-enrollment process with Re-Enrollment Pitsos for each program. We invite parents to attend the Pitso for the program your child(ren) will attend in the 2020-2021 school year. An evolution of the State of the School events of the past, these Pitsos will focus on enhancements and updates for the next school year for each program. In partnership with program directors, these Pitsos will be rich with information as you prepare to sign your re-enrollment contracts for next year.
Keep an eye out in your inboxes in late December for invitations for the event(s) that best fit your family. Please save the dates in your calendars.

 is a Sesotho word (a dialect from Southern Africa), meaning

Spring Campus

List of 1 items.

Creek Campus

List of 1 items.

River Campus

List of 1 items.

As a 501(c)3 non-profit school, Headwaters School does not discriminate because of race, color, creed, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or any other classes protected by federal, state, or local law in its admissions, financial aid, hiring, or board membership processes.