Do You Remember, Fall 2020

Headwaters School
In each issue of the Alumni Newsletter we will highlight a faculty or staff member who will bring back memories of your days at Khabele/Headwaters!
Kelley Janes

How long have you been part of the Khabele/Headwaters community?
Since November 2006, after getting interviewed during the Halloween costume contest that year.

What is your position at/affiliation to Khabele/Headwaters?
I am the Physics and Astronomy Guide (we say guide now rather than teacher, it’s more fitting) and I am the Service Learning Coordinator.

What are you most proud of being affiliated with the school?
I’ve learned so much about authenticity, joy, and power from working at Khabele/Headwaters. When I first arrived I was pretty new to teaching and being in a room full of teens was often frightening. I would sweat, blush, and stammer my way through a simple announcement and Pitso back then. Now, I have a hunger to share my ideas with as many people as I can. I have learned so much from the entire community about who I intend to be and how I want to live. I came to the school as a 26-year-old with a great education and lots of wild travel under her belt, but I still had so much growing up to do. I was really turned on (and intimidated) by the ways we were expected to uphold ourselves in this community. I still have a list of twenty promises we were to make as teachers that year (see link for those promises). Mostly, living up to those promises and conducting my presence with students though them over the last fourteen years has been what I am most proud of.

What PACT attribute do you relate to the most, and why?
What is my favorite color you ask? Rainbow. Ice cream flavor? All of them. PACT attribute? P A C and T for a 4 way tie. When my actions are well balanced in these four areas I feel most satisfied. Advocacy is quite rich right now. So many places to take action! I love my new role as Service Learning Coordinator as I get to see my city through so many new sets of eyes. I do think service and advocacy are the antidote to woe. 

How has this guide impacted you? Comment below!

Spring Campus

List of 1 items.

Creek Campus

List of 1 items.

River Campus

List of 1 items.

As a 501(c)3 non-profit school, Headwaters School does not discriminate because of race, color, creed, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or any other classes protected by federal, state, or local law in its admissions, financial aid, hiring, or board membership processes.