Total Solar Eclipse | School Canceled

All School
As of Thursday, March 21, Headwaters School will now be closed on April 8, 2024, due to the total solar eclipse and associated factors impacting our ability to serve our students and families and to operate our campuses.

The decision to close school on April 8 stems from several considerations, including the recent Declaration of Emergency by Travis County for that date. We are also taking into account the uncertainty surrounding potential traffic implications for our campuses and the safety of our staff and students. With reports indicating that more independent schools in the area are choosing to close on this day, we believe it is in the best interest of our community to follow suit.

We recognize that this decision may pose challenges for families, particularly in terms of childcare arrangements, which is why we wanted to provide you with this information as soon as possible to allow for adequate planning.

Additionally, we would like to once again thank the generous donor who donated solar glasses for our entire staff and Kindergarten through high school students. We will be sending those glasses home with students the week before the eclipse so you can safely use them at home.

More Information and Resources

Greats and Grands Day Reminder

The week before the eclipse, we will be hosting Greats and Grands events on each campus. If you have visitors in from out of town staying until Monday, we encourage you to consider possible traffic and road conditions.  

Eclipse Preparedness 

The City of Austin is estimating that a large increase of visitors will be coming into Central Texas for the eclipse, but there are no official ways to know exactly how many people will be here. It is expected that there will be traffic delays possible and extra traffic as tourists and local community members flock to viewing spots. But don’t worry, most Austinites will be able to walk outside their door and see the eclipse! Click here are some safety tips and how to prepare from their site. There is also a list of district-specific parks to watch the eclipse if you want to stay close to home, but wish to go to a more open sky location.

Attendance Reporting

If your child will not be in school for the days leading up to and/or following, we request that you inform your attendance office by email: 

Springs Campus

List of 1 items.

Creek Campus

List of 1 items.

River Campus

List of 1 items.

As a 501(c)3 non-profit school, Headwaters School does not discriminate because of race, color, creed, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or any other classes protected by federal, state, or local law in its admissions, financial aid, hiring, or board membership processes.