Earth Day 2023: How to Talk to Your Child About Climate Change

By Patricia Núñez, Sustainable International Development Specialist, Climate Advocate, and Headwaters Mom (Cardinals Classroom)
In honor of Earth Day, all Headwaters parents and guardians are invited to join Patricia for a special Parent Ed event called “How to Talk To Your Child About Climate Change.” Patricia will be presenting via a special lunchtime Zoom this Friday, April 28 from 12-12:45 p.m. Register here. We hope parents can join in, listen, and participate virtually. 

As I put my five year old to bed after reading Greta and the Giants together–nourishing his appreciation, respect, and love for nature–I wonder, again, if the Lorax quote on his wall was a bit much for a newborn’s bedroom decor:

“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,
Nothing is going to get better. It's not.”

So much weight on such little shoulders, but that is the human I want to raise–brave, caring and empathetic. I also remind myself, with intention, that it is in his and future generations’ best interests and that they are the direct beneficiaries of their and OUR climate change knowledge and action.

I am a climate advocate and K-1 Cardinal Rodrigo’s mom, and my Earth Day gift to him and his generation is to talk to parents about climate change. My hope is that you will feel more comfortable talking to your kids about a changing planet in a way that is meaningful for your family and gives you agency.

Next week, I will be presenting a talk for Headwaters parents with three objectives:
  1. Demystify climate change.
  2. Understand the implications and opportunities of the Anthropocene’s challenge.
  3. Discuss why talking to your kids about climate change and its solutions is a life skill.
This last point will address age appropriate content, your role as a parent, and examples of children and youth’s climate action experiences. We talk about sex ed, technology and social media, and social justice with our children because we know they will experience it and we want to protect and prepare them so they will be ready for it. Climate change talks are no different, we will continue to live with it–and so will they. How much and in which way our children will carry climate change effects' weight is something we can do a lot about.

I hope you will join me in this and in future climate talks.


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